![MV Meghna Prestige, Captain Mahbubur Rahman (40N) held in a police cell in Venezuela](http://bdmariners.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/Meghna-Prestige.png)
MV Meghna Prestige, Captain Mahbubur Rahman (40N) held in a police cell in Venezuela
Captain Mahbubur Rahman (40N), master of the MV Meghna Prestige, is currently detained in a police cell in Tucupita, near Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela, following an incident during a mandatory underwater inspection. The vessel arrived at Boca Grande anchorage on January 12, 2025, to load iron ore, completing cargo operations on January 29. As per local anti-drug regulations, an underwater inspection was required before departure. During this inspection, two divers were injured by the ship’s propeller, leading to the captain’s arrest.
Communication challenges arose as the dive supervisor did not speak English, necessitating the shipping agency representative to act as an unofficial interpreter. The captain emphasized that the inspection commenced without proper authorization, including the signing of necessary checklists and permits. He also noted that the vessel was dragging, requiring brief engine use for safety, which may have contributed to the incident.
Captain Rahman has expressed concerns about the adequacy of his legal representation and is seeking support from the maritime community and the Bangladesh government. The vessel’s Protection and Indemnity (P&I) correspondents are handling the legal defense and are in contact with the local prosecutor to expedite a resolution.
The maritime community is closely monitoring the situation, emphasizing the importance of clear communication and adherence to safety protocols during such operations.
Hereunder, please note, the report summary of the case received from the P&I agents in Venezuela at 5 PM NY Time February 4, 2025.
On January 29, 2025, during the mandatory underwater inspections of the vessel MV Meghna Prestige, the master on board was informed by the shipping agency representative and the dive supervisor about an incident in which two divers were injured by the vessel’s propeller while performing an underwater inspection.
It is important to note that, in order to carry out said inspection, the dive supervisor should have signed the authorization/work permit granted by the master. However, the supervisor did not do so and, instead, ordered the divers to begin the inspection.
On the other hand, the master signed a checklist from the diving company confirming that he had performed a series of tasks prior to the underwater inspection.
Additionally, it is noted that the dive supervisor does not speak English, which makes communication with master Mahbubur Rahman difficult. Therefore, the shipping agency representative acted as an unofficial interpreter between them.
As the P&I correspondent for the vessel, we are in charge of the legal defence of the master and the vessel before the local authorities, and we are currently in contact with the prosecutor in charge of the case to seek a quick solution to this matter.’
According to the Master, Captain Mahbubur Rahman 40N, the Venezuelan locals brought up an allegation that, of the two injured persons, one was missing. It was reported that, the missing persons dead body was recovered. Due to problems of communication with the P&I lawyers and the agents, the Master feels, he is not being represented 100% correctly. He is very worried about it.
The Master’s initial appeal to all mariners on February 3, 2025, at 10.08 PM NY Time (Feb 4, 2025, 3:08 AM Wednesday, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
আমি ক্যাপ্টেন মাহবুবুর রহমান(BMA 40th), বর্তমানে Tucupita, CICPC Police custody (Puerto Ordaz, Guayana city, Venezuela) তে আছি। গত ১২ ই জানুয়ারি Meghna Prestige Ship নিয়ে Boca Grande anchorage, Venezuela তে IRON ORE load করার জন্য পৌছায়, কার্গো লোডিং শেষ হয় ২৯ তারিখ সকালে।
Local authority “Anti Drug” Requirement মতে, বন্দর ত্যাগের পূর্বে জাহাজের Under water inspection বাধ্যতামূলক। যথারীতি ২৯ তারিখ দুপুর ১২:২০ সময়ে Anti Drug authority এবং ডুবুরি দল আছে।
ডুবুরি দলের ইনচার্জের সহিত আমার ও চীফ ইন্জিনিয়ের মিটিং হয় মেসরুমে ১:০০-১:১০ সময়ে কিন্তু ডুবুরি দলের ইনচার্জ ইংরেজিতে কথা বলতে না পারায় Boarding agent নিজে থেকেই Interpreter হিসাবে কাজ করে।
Agent এর request মতো,প্রথমে তাদের একটি ফর্ম সাইন করি পাশাপাশি এজেন্টকেও বলি জাহাজের ইন্জিন রুম পরিদর্শন শেষে checklist & permit form সাইন করতে হবে এবং পাশাপাশি ক্যাপ্টেনের permission নিয়ে Under water inspection শুরু করতে হবে কিন্তু তারা কোনটি না করেই কাজটি শুরু করে দেই, এমতাবস্থায় Ship dragging শুরু করে দেয় যার দরুন ডিউটি অফিসার ইঞ্জিন ইউজ করে খুব অল্প সময়ের জন্য। পরবর্তীতে ১৩:২৫ ডুবুরি দলের ইনচার্জ ও এজেন্ট ব্রিজে এসে বলে তাদের একজন ডুবুরি আহত হয়েছে ,তখনই আমি তাদেরকে বলি এত অল্প সময়ের মধ্যে (১:১০-১:২৫) ইন্জিন রুম ইস্পেকশন ছাড়া,checklist & permit form fill up ছাড়া কিভাবে under water inspection শুরু করলো?
এরপর ৩০ তারিখ সকাল ১০:১৫ সময়ে পুলিশ আসে শীপে, Investigation করার জন্য কিন্তু তারা শুধুমাএ Spanish ভাষা পারায় আমি statement দিতে অস্বীকার জানায় পাশাপাশি request করি P&I representative আসার জন্য কিন্তু সেটা না করে তারা বলেছিল ” ক্যাপ্টেন, সবই আনঅফিশিয়াল”। পরবর্তীতে বিকাল তিনটায় আমাকে জাহাজ থেকে থানায় নিয়ে আসে,বলেছিল ১-২ দিন থাকা লাগবে। আমি ৩০ তারিখ রাতে পৌছায় থানায়, আসার পর আমার বিরুদ্ধে কেস ফাইল করা হয় খুব জোরালোভাবে। গত কয়েকদিনে খুব মানবেতর জীবন পার করছি আমি। আগামীকাল(৪ তারিখ সকাল ৯ টায়) আমার Hearing আছে। আমার কোম্পানি already দুজন lawyer নিয়োগ দিছে,তাারা যথাসাধ্য চেষ্টা করছে পাশাপাশি Maritime sector এর সকল শুভাকাঙ্ক্ষীদের পরামর্শ ও দোয়া কামনা করছি ও একই সাথে বাংলাদেশ সরকারের সাহায্য কামনা করছি ।
The Master’s statement in English.
- During initial diving operation meeting, I noticed that diving supervisor does not speak in English and I requested to provide good diving supervisor who speaks English well but agent clerk Mr. Ronal approached me stating that he speaks English and could help with communication, and he began to intervene in the process to carry out the drug inspection, which is not his responsibility or job, as he is only a ship dispatcher.
- Mr. Ronal is just agent Boarding clerk. As divining supervisor does not speak in English, it is his limitation, but Mr. Ronal cannot be an interpreter during diving preparation discussion and he cannot also be an interpreter between master and authorities for Inquiry, it is not his job and also illegal. Though I requested them for certified interpreter arrive, but they did not wait for certified interpreter. A shipping agency is an entity that acts as a communicator between the ship and its client. Their job is to communicate the activities being carried out and provide information.
- During initial meeting, I also explained them our vessel may drag & we need to use main engine anytime for the safety of vessel and as per agent mail, you cannot start underwater inspection at loading point, vessel must be shifted to BOCA Transfer station to carrying out inspection which also accepted by boarding agent Mr. Ronal
- During initial meeting though I signed their only one checklist in the presence of Chief engineer but as per protocol diving in charge also check engine room, then sign vessel checklist and permit form. we both requested supervisor to check engine room physically before starting operation and must sign vessel checklist, permit form and finally get permission from master before starting operation.
- I also requested them that whole operation must be carried out in the presence of ship’s chief officer, but supervisor did not follow master request.
- Every diving company need to fill up a checklist before searching any drugs attached in the ship’s hull. That form needs safety officer’s (C/E), C/O and Master’s signature before starting diving operation. That checklist having not to use ship’s engine, MGPS stop condition and not to use S/G during diving operation. If they did not sign the checklist and without permission of ship’s master how they could start the operation only basis on with their one checklist.
- I also asked them ‘Are the divers are experts to carry out this inspection” and also requested to get master sign for diver’s details form before starting operation, but they did not.
- Initial meeting was carried out in mess room at 1300-1310 on 29 the January. Then I went to the bridge at about 1315 Lt while vessel was dragging.
At 1325 lt, supervisor along with agent came to the bridge & informed that one diver is injured. I was shocked after hearing this, how they could start operation within short time between 1310-1325 hours without informing master and without signing vessel checklists, permit form. Also, as per agent mail, they cannot start inspection at loading point.
Captain Mahbubur Rahman (40N)
Links: নড়াইলের কৃতি সন্তান ক্যাপ্টেন মাহাবুব এর ভেনিজুয়েলায় বন্দি! | দৈনিক জন্মভূমি
Courtesy: Ghulam Suhrawardi (6N) & https://themaritimeblog.org/
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