Captain Belal Ahmed (14N) takes over as IMEC Chairman
IMEC Circular (19)24 : IMEC Press Release: Capt. Belal Ahmed takes over as IMEC Chairman
The International Maritime Employers’ Council’s (IMEC) Annual General Meeting was held in Southampton, UK on the 10th April, where the Chairmanship was handed over from Capt. Rajesh Tandon, to Capt. Belal Ahmed.
When Capt. Tandon originally took over the role of Chairman in 2014, he knew the organisation would be facing a tough negotiation period. The International Bargaining Forum (IBF) had experienced a history of giving seafarer wages increases, despite the state of the shipping markets and the recent negotiations in Indonesia had been no different. However with the shipping market cycle heading towards the lowest point of the depression, the employers’ side of the IBF were going to have to face hard negotiations.
It was perhaps unsurprising that when the IBF met for the next round of negotiations in 2017, the social parties quickly met deadlock. Strong leadership and the maturity of the negotiation process allowed the employers’ and seafarers to come back to the table the following year and agree on a 4 year deal.
Capt. Ahmed’s Chairmanship represents a new chapter in IMEC, as he represents the Ship owning group within IMEC. IMEC represents employers’ across shipowners, ship managers and crew managers, but it has been over 10 years since the Chairman came from a shipowning member. Capt. Belal Ahmed takes over the organisation at a time of substantial growth. Despite the economic downturn, IMEC’s membership has grown by 20% in the past 5 years and has recently announced the largest intake of it’ cadetship programme in the Philippines, with 260 cadets being recruited in 2019.
In the evening of the AGM, IMEC’s members and social partners inaugurated IMEC’s new office in Solent Business Park in Hampshire. Last year the organisation relocated from rented accommodation in London, to a larger company owned premises in Hampshire.
International Maritime Employers’ Council (IMEC) is the only international employers’ organisation dedicated to maritime industrial relations. Established over fifty years ago, we operate from offices in Whiteley, UK, and Manila in the Philippines and represent over 200 shipping companies located all over the world.
Capt. Belal Ahmed takes over the organisation at a time of substantial growth. Despite the economic downturn, IMEC’s membership has grown by 20% in the past 5 years and has recently announced the largest intake of it’ Cadetship programme in the Philippines, with 260 cadets being recruited in 2019.
In the evening of the AGM, IMEC’s members and social partners inaugurated IMEC’s new office in Solent Business Park in Hampshire. Last year the organisation relocated from rented accommodation in London, to a larger company owned premises in Hampshire.
IMEC represents over 225 shipping companies in 31 countries, who employ around 250,000 seafarers
Brief on Captain Belal
Capt Belal Ahmed (ex-FCC) started his career at sea in 1978 as a Deck Cadet trained from Bangladesh Marine Academy and continued till 2000. Throughout his career at sea he had the opportunity to sail on board ships managed by reputable companies on worldwide trade.
He started his career ashore in 2000 at M/S Haq & Sons in Bangladesh and thereafter with Western Shipping at Singapore as Marine Superintendent in 2001. As a newly formed company, he was involved in setting up the company from starting level to well managed respected tanker management company.
In 2002 He was promoted to Fleet Personnel Manager. In 2004 he was inducted into the Board of Directors of the Company. Though his core activity was in the Fleet Personnel area, he was involved in other areas of companies activities such as Financial matters / operational/safety / TMSA and general administration of the fleet and office.
In 2010 he was appointed as General Manager and Managing Director of the company overseeing the Overall Management of this reputable ship management company. During 2004 / 2005 period, a crew management office was established in Manila. This was followed by a Training centre. Both establishments were quickly recognized by the industry as a reputable and reliable service providers.
Captain Belal Has been closely involved with IMEC for over a decade. His involvement includes Pay negotiations with ITF, assisting IMEC Secretariat and various Training initiatives by IMEC. He was closely involved in initial setting up of the IMEC Cadet Program.
As Managing director of Western Shipping, Captain Belal is involved in all areas of ship management. His passion for training and to contribute to Maritime Industry remains strong and would like to continue to serve in the R&T committee.

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