ණ☛ রাষ্ট্রীয় ভাবেই আমরা এক ধরনের প্রতারক চরিত্র ধারণ করে ফেলেছি। এই ডিজিটাল যুগেও এনালগ..
It is for quite some time that I have been writing on the subject of..
Ever since its creation the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has been working for safer ships..
ILO-MLC-2006 (International Labour Organization – Maritime Labour Convention, 2006) has already received the required number..
Banking, insurance, shipping and aviation are perhaps the most international business in the world. Arguably..
How to transpose the provision into national legislation: Seafarers shall enjoy the Freedom of Association/..
International Maritime Organization (IMO) ever since its creation has been adopting various internationally agreed standards..
25th June every year is now being celebrated as a day of Seafarers. International sea..
Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. It has achieved..
Experience has shown state-owned business suffer from inefficiency, corruption and bureaucratic red-tape. Many public sector..
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