সালাহউদ্দিন আহমেদ, ২০১৩ পর থেকে নিরন্তর চেস্টা ছিল একটা ক্যাডেটশিপ জবের জন্য, ভাগ্য দেখা দেয় ২০১৬..
1954 = MARPOL CONVENTION adopted – Prohibition of Oily discharge within 50.0 n. miles from..
(Reproduced from an Oil Major’s internal post by the author) Chemical tankers of ≥ 8000..
Properties of LNG: LNG is actually METHANE. Purity of cargoes ranges from 67% to 99.5%,..
1492 – Christopher Columbus sails from Spain and discovers the new world. (The continents of..
In British-India period people from present Bangladesh started joining merchant ships. Those days most of..
Global Mariners Database – Far East Global Mariners Database – Middle East Global Mariners Database..
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