MarEngr. Zafrul Alam (6E) on his final voyage
We are deeply saddened to inform you that Zafrul Alam (6E) has breathed his last at 10:30 am on 21st April 2024 SG time.
ইন্নালিল্লাহি ওয়া ইন্না ইলাইহি রাজিউন / Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un (We belong to Allah and to Him shall we return).

Zafrul Alam (6E), Ex-Assistant Director of MPA; ex-President of SBS; founder president of BMCS.
His Namaj-e-Janaja was held on 21st April 2024, at Masjid Maroof (20 Jurong West Street 26, Singapore 648125) after Asr Prayer (around at 4:30 PM) followed by burial at Lim Chu Kang Muslim Cemetery.
No words can indeed describe his personality, professionalism and social works. During his lifespan he helped and contributed to our society, marine industry and also helped us collectively and individually.
He served MPA Singapore (Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore) as the Ex-Assistant Director for a long period with name and fame for the country. He was the legend Mariner who was holding very prestigious position in MPA and elevated the image of our motherland.
He was the founder president of BMCS (Bangladeshi Marine Community Singapore). He played a leading role during the establishment of our organization and the drafting of the constitution. During the registration of our organization in the Singapore Registry of Societies, he elaborated in detail the reasons and requirements for the creation of this organization to the government agencies of Singapore. Which made it easy for us to get the registration of the organization (BMCS).
He was also faculty member of NTU (Nanyang Technological University – Singapore), used to take Environmental Shipping Class for MSc in Maritime Studies in NTU.

File Photo: BMCS Get-Together, Singapore. (27 May, 2012) [ From Left to Right: Zahirul Islam(12E), Zafrul Alam (6E), Zahurul Alam (3N) and Mrs. Zahurul Alam.]
He had served as President of SBS (Singapore Bangladesh Society) and had held helm of SBS in many crucial occasions to direct the Society to right path.
Mr Zafrul Alam after a sea career of 8 years and having finally sailed as Chief Engineer of ocean-going vessels joined Singapore Marine Department in 1980. He Served 34 years in Singapore Maritime Administration including 4 years as Singapore’s representative to IMO and First Secretary (Maritime), Singapore High Commission, London. He was the Vice Chair for International Maritime Organisation, Marine Environment Protection Committee in 1999 and 2000.
He had a long-distinguished career of 42 years in the maritime field and contributed greatly to certification and policy matters. He was affectionately known by his international marine Colleagues as the “MARPOL Man”. He retired as Assistant Director Shipping Regulation & Development of Maritime & Port Authority in 2014.
He was the President of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Singapore in 1993 and 1994. He also served as President of Singapore Bangladesh Society in 2008 and 2009 and the Founding President of Bangladeshi Marine Community, Singapore in 2014-15.
He is a recipient of three National Day Awards. For his distinguished service and work of special significance he was awarded the Efficiency Medal in 1992. He is also the recipient of the Public Administration Medal (Bronze) 2002 and The Long Service Medal 2006.
He was a man of integrity, sincerity, and compassion. He was a social thinker and a person with a great sense of fraternity who always stood beside those in distress. He was our mentor and a role model.
Marine community has lost not only a leader but a source of inspiration and courage. Our deepest sympathies go out to the family of a fantastic role model. Our thoughts and prayers are with his bereaved family at this sorrowful time.
On 28 April 2024, BMCS and SBS jointly hosted a commemoration program in respect of the founder President of BMCS Late Mr Zafrul Alam. He was also a former President of SBS. The programme held at Assyakirin Masjid was attended by the family members of Late Mr Zafrul Alam and people from all walks of life! A Video was developed encompassing the glittering life of Mr. Alam. The speech he delivered during 2015 annual dinner of BMCS was once again displayed before the audience.
Panel of speakers included his family members, members of the society he lived with and his colleague. They enlightened the audience on the life journey of Mr Alam.
A commemoration ended with a dua mahfil.
The audience attended the program with highest degree of respect and silence. It touched the heart of all. The organizers are grateful to everyone for their unconditional support.
From the ALBUM:
His message as published in ‘Nongor’ from Singapore ([SMC Magazine ‘নোঙর’] Message From a Pioneer of Bangladesh Origin : Zafrul Alam (6E): [SMC Magazine ‘নোঙর’] # Message From a Pioneer of Bangladesh Origin : Zafrul Alam (6) | Bangladeshi Mariners (bdmariners.org)
Welcome message by Zafrul Alam during 1st Annual dinner held under the banner of BMCS Singapore.

BD Mariners Singapore Annual Gathering 2010: [Zafrul Alam is sitting on the right]

BD Mariners Singapore Annual Gathering 2011: [Zafrul Alam is sitting on the left, Next to him A A M Hafizul Haider (17E)]

BMCS Community Night 2017: Zafrul Alam was recognised as a distinguished BMCS Personality.
In Remembrance
Ghulam M. Suhrawardi (6N), NJ, USA
I am incredibly saddened by losing our good friend and batch mate, Jafrul Alam. He was a bright star in the sixth batch. We all planned to converge in Singapore this October to assemble with his family and the families of other mariners who passed away. I heard of the deterioration of his feeding tract a few days ago, and I was praying for the restoration of the feeding. We desperately wanted to see him before Allah took him.
Anyway, we have no hand in death. Perhaps Allah wanted to provide him with a peaceful abode in the Jannatul Ferdaus. We can only pray for his peaceful journey.
I remember him as a great friend from the Academy days and afterward. With sadness, I would like to tell him, “Friend, I was not able to see you as I wished,” but I wish to meet you again when my time comes.
With love and affection
Dilwar Ali(6E), Melbourne, Australia
On this day, April 21st, 2024, I am deeply saddened to bid farewell to my esteemed colleague and cherished friend, Chief Marine Engineer Zafrul Alam.
Our bond transcended the boundaries of mere friendship; it was a journey marked by years of camaraderie and shared experiences. Our connection began during our time together at the Marine Academy, where we spent two years (1967-1969), followed by three years (1969-1972) of Marine Engineering cadetship at the Karachi shipyard. During our cadetship, we resided in Jacob Lanes and later Haji Camp, forging memories that would last a lifetime.
Despite the demands of our respective careers at sea, our friendship remained steadfast. We were not just batchmates; we were confidants who shared moments of respite, even visiting Zafrul’s village home in Chittagong during short breaks from the Academy. Our time at the Karachi shipyard was filled with shared adventures, from bunking together during working hours to exploring the bustling city streets with youthful exuberance.
Zafrul’s brilliance was evident early on, and his career trajectory was nothing short of remarkable. From his maiden voyage as a chief engineer from Malaysia to Singapore, he seamlessly transitioned into a distinguished role at the Singapore Marine Department, ultimately rising to the position of Deputy Director. His contributions to the formulation of marine pollution and environmental protection policies, as well as his representation of Singapore in international forums such as the IMO, were exemplary. He was later deputed to a diplomatic position at the Singapore High Commission in London.
Our friendship endured the test of time, spanning from the moment we first met in 1967 until his passing. Memories of our shared experiences, including being stranded in Pakistan in 1972 after the liberation of Bangladesh, remain deeply etched in my heart.
The depth of sorrow at Zafrul’s passing is immeasurable. His absence leaves a void that cannot be filled, and I mourn deeply for the loss of such a remarkable soul from this world.
Sanwer Dito (14 – SG)| [On behalf of BMCS Council]
On April 21, 2024, the Bangladeshi community in Singapore lost one of their guardians, Mr. Zafrul Alam, the iconic legendary Bangladeshi mariner, who breathed his last at his residence in Singapore.
Mr Zafrul Alam after a sea career of 8 years and having finally sailed as Chief Engineer of ocean-going vessels joined Singapore Marine Department in 1980. He Served 34 years in Singapore Maritime Administration including 4 years as Singapore’s representative to IMO and First Secretary (Maritime), Singapore High Commission, London. He was the Vice Chair for International Maritime Organisation, Marine Environment Protection Committee in 1999 and 2000.
He had a long-distinguished career of 42 years in the maritime field and contributed greatly to certification and policy matters. He was affectionately known by his international Iarine Colleagues as the “MARPOL Man”. He retired as Assistant Director Shipping Regulation & Development of Maritime & Port Authority in 2014.
He was the President of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Singapore in 1993 and 1994. He also served as President of Singapore Bangladesh Society in 2008 and 2009 and the Founding President of Bangladeshi Marine Community, Singapore in 2014-15.
He is a recipient of three National Day Awards. For his distinguished service and work of special significance he was awarded the Efficiency Medal in 1992. He is also the recipient of the Public Administration Medal (Bronze) 2002 and The Long Service Medal 2006.
He was a man of integrity, sincerity, and compassion. He was a social thinker and a person with a great sense of fraternity who always stood beside those in distress. He was our mentor and a role model.
BMCS has lost not only a leader but a source of inspiration and courage. Our deepest sympathies go out to the family of a fantastic role model. Our thoughts and prayers are with his bereaved family at this sorrowful time.
BMCS deeply mourn for the loss of such an outstanding Member and solicit your prayers for the salvation of his departed soul.
মিনার রশীদ (২১)
আমাদের এক বড় ভাই জনাব জাফরুল আলম ( বাংলাদেশ মেরিন একাডেমির ষষ্ঠ ব্যাচের ক্যাডেট) ইন্তেকাল করেছেন (ইন্না লিল্লাহি ওয়া ইন্না ইলাইহে রাজিউন) । নিজের জন্মস্থানের বাইরে অন্য একটি দেশে নাগরিকত্ব নেওয়ার পর যতটুকু উচুতে আরোহন করা সম্ভব, তিনি বোধহয় তাই করেছেন। আট বছর জাহাজে চাকুরি করেই (নিজের ডিপার্টমেন্টে) সর্বোচ্চ Rank প্রধান প্রকৌশলী পদে আসিন হয়েছিলেন। এরপর ১৯৮০ সালে সিঙ্গাপুর মেরিন বিভাগে যোগদান করেন। তিনি সিঙ্গাপুর মেরিটাইম অ্যাডমিনিস্ট্রেশনে ৩৪ বছর দায়িত্ব পালন করেন যার মধ্যে ৪ বছর আইএমওতে সিঙ্গাপুরের প্রতিনিধি এবং প্রথম সচিব (মেরিটাইম) ) হিসাবে সিঙ্গাপুর হাই কমিশন, লন্ডনে দায়িত্ব পালন করে গেছেন!
তিনি ১৯৯৯ এবং ২০০০ সালে আন্তর্জাতিক মেরিটাইম অর্গানাইজেশন, মেরিন এনভায়রনমেন্ট প্রোটেকশন কমিটির ভাইস চেয়ারম্যান ছিলেন।
তার দীর্ঘ ৪২ বছরের কর্মজীবন ছিল খুবই বর্ণাঢ্যময়। আন্তর্জাতিক মেরিটাইম জগতের সনদ ও নীতি সংক্রান্ত ( Certification and Policy matters) বিষয়ে তিনি ব্যাপক অবদান রেখে গেছেন । ইন্টারনেশনাল মেরিটাইম কলিগগন তাঁকে আদর করে ডাকতেন এ মারপোল ম্যান ( A MARPOL MAN) . এসব পলিসি সংক্রান্ত বইয়ে যদি লেখকের নাম লেখার রেওয়াজ থাকত ,তবে অনেক জায়গাতেই তাঁর নামটি খোদাই করা থাকত। তিনি ২০১৪ সালে মেরিটাইম অ্যান্ড পোর্ট অথরিটির সহকারী পরিচালক (শিপিং রেগুলেশন অ্যান্ড ডেভেলপমেন্ট) হিসেবে অবসর গ্রহণ করেন!
এর পরেও নিজের শেকড়কে ভুলেন নাই। যেখানে ছিলেন সেখান থেকেই নিজের কমিউনিটির জন্যে কাজ করে গেছেন। তিনি ১৯৯৩-১৯৯৪ সালে সোসাইটি অফ নেভাল আর্কিটেক্টস অ্যান্ড মেরিন ইঞ্জিনিয়ার্স, সিঙ্গাপুরের সভাপতি ছিলেন। এছাড়াও তিনি ২০০৮-২০০৯ সালে সিঙ্গাপুর বাংলাদেশ সোসাইটির (এসবিএস) সভাপতি এবং ২০১৪-২০১৫ সালে বাংলাদেশী মেরিন কমিউনিটি, সিঙ্গাপুরের প্রতিষ্ঠাতা সভাপতি হিসেবে দায়িত্ব পালন করেন।
অনেক মাকাল ফলকে নিয়ে আমরা অনেক হৈ চৈ করি। জানি না এই বিদগ্ধ লোকটিকে আমাদের জাতীয় জীবনে অথবা মেরিটাইম জগতের কোথায়ও একটি স্মরণীয় করে রাখতে পারি কি না। যে দেশে গুণীর কদর নেই, সেই দেশে গুণীর জন্ম হয় না। কাজেই উনার জন্যে না, আমাদের প্রয়োজনেই এই কাজটি করা দরকার।
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