[Show slideshow] 1 2 … 14 ► Dear All, It is our great pleasure inviting..
Dear All, Salam. As a continuous process of arranging Mariners Family Get-together, our Singapore..
Dear All , Salam , With deepest sorrow we are Informing that our beloved friend..
Rear Admiral ASM Baten has been appointed as the first vice chancellor of the Bangabandhu..
বাংলাদেশ মেরিন একাডেমির কমান্ড্যান্ট ড. সাজিদ হোসেন সুইডেনের ওয়ার্ল্ড মেরিটাইম ইউনিভার্সিটির (ডব্লিউএমইউ) বোর্ড অব গভর্নসের..
Dear members of ABMA, Salam. As you are aware that the Bangladesh Marine Academy Ex..
Rehnuma Ensan, daughter of our mariner brother Khademul Ensan (20th Batch) own the Championship of..
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