A. Baten (18) Joining PRANTIK GROUP as CEO
Message from A. Baten (18).
Assalamu Alaikum,
First of all, I must thank Sarwar for giving me this great offer & opportunity to work in his good organization Prantik Group.
I really feel myself honored to join his efficient team.
Insha’Allah, I will try my level best. I will remain committed to execute my responsibilities with due diligence & with all my sincere effort.
May Almighty Allah swt guide us in correct path, make our journey smooth & easy.
And once again, I would like to thank all our fellow Mariners around the Globe and very specially my heartfelt gratitude to all my fellow members of Singapore Marine Community. My 20 years tenure here in Singapore was exceptional for me & I shall remain grateful forever.
Before I close, I must ask all your forgiveness, if any of my words or deeds caused any discomfort to anyone, at anytime.
And I will sincerely seek all your DOA for my new professional journey.
Kind regards
Baten (18E, SGP)
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