AKHTAR HOSSAIN (22nd Batch) has passed away….
Dear All ,
Salam , With deepest sorrow we are Informing that our beloved friend AKHTAR HOSSAIN (22nd Batch) has passed away, losing his long battle against Liver cancer on Thursday night @ about 23:42 hr. at Chittagong (Inna Lillahi wa inna ilahe rajiun). Our sincere condolence to his grieving families especially to his 2 small kids.
We pray to the Almighty Allah for his departed soul and may Allah give courage and strength to the family members to overcome this irreparable loss.
Pls convey this msg to all our SMC senior/junior brothers .
Sohail (22nd Batch)
sohail hossain <sohail_hossain@hotmail.com>;
ইন্না লিল্লাহি ওয়া ইন্না ইলাইহি রাজিউন……। May Allah rest his departed soul in peace.Amin.
May Almighty Allah rest the departed soul in eternal peace and grant strength and fortitude to the bereaved family to bear this irreparable loss in the family, Aamin.
Capt. Md. Mostafa Kamal, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Maritime Studies, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, KSA.
I have just met Akter Sir only in May 2013 for the 1st and last time even though I know him remotely for many years. It is difficult for me to accept that my senior, elder brother, a smiling good heart is no more. May Allah give his family strength to go on and his departed soul to rest in peace and grant him Jannah.
May his soul be rest at eternal peace!!!!!!!!!!
I did not know the news.
When I saw today it was hard to resist my eye getting tears. He was my beloved immediate senior from Academy.
All his attitudes, simplicity coming back infront from the memory.
May ALLAH SWT grace him with jannatul Ferdous. Ameen.
Shah Alam
23rd Batch