BD Mariners – Our Role & Responsibilities: M.A. baten (18)
All our Respected Seniors & Beloved Juniors,
Assalaamu Alaikum.
First of all I would like to extend my sincere thanks & appreciation to all of you, for your kind guidance & motivation to all of us, especially to our younger generation.
Those fellow Mariners joined our BD Mariners Groups recently (presently we are total 870 participants), I wish to point out:
This “Bangladeshi Mariners” is not an organization, it is a simple internet communication tool to remain connected & united forever, an effort to create global bonding for all our Professional BD Mariners. With this, you can reach all Mariners around the Globe to share & exchange your views which are common & intended for our entire Global Marine Community, which we are doing now.
With the initiative of Zillur Sir (11th Batch), “Maritime Forum” was formed & now it is a recognized organization, with the view to deal with common interests of the member Organizations within Bangladesh. To emphasize the importance of uniting all the stake holders of the Maritime Community for finding solutions to our present predicaments – Employment of Seafarers and Maritime Education & Training.
Maritime Forum, with representatives (Minimum 2 & Maximum 4) from AABMA (Alumni Association of Bangladesh Marine Academy), AMTIB (Association of Maritime Training Institutions of Bangladesh), BMMOA (Bangladesh Merchant Marine Officers’ Association), BSMAA (Bangladesh Ship Manning Agents Association), IMarEST (Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology) & NIB (The Nautical Institute Bangladesh).
To integrate all of us, including those overseas fellow Bangladeshi Mariner, I would like to humbly propose the followings to all our fellow Mariners around the Globe:
1. Other than Bangladesh, we now have 5 major hub where our fellow Mariners are living, FarEast, Middle East, North America, Oceania & UK.
2. All these 5 Mariners’ hub to become the overseas wing of our BMMOA (Bangladesh Merchant Marine Officers’ Association).
3. If required, BMMOA constitutions to be amended to accommodate above provision.
4. All recognized organizations, including overseas organizations to function as it is.
5. Our contribution to “Maritime Forum” will be through our BMMOA.
6. All above 6 Organization’s EC members list to be stored in our BD Mariners Groups (Zillur Sir requested to provide me in pdf format).
7. Overseas Organizations, like JMAAA (Juldia Marine Academy Alumni Association) & BMCS (Bangladeshi Marine Community, Singapore) EC members list to be stored in our BD Mariners Groups (Suhrawardi Sir (6th Batch) requested to provide me JMAAA’s EC members list in pdf format).
8. Oversea wings like Middle East, Oceania & UK will be encouraged to form committee (not necessarily to form organizations) & submit the names to be stored in our BD Mariners Groups.
9. “Maritime Forum” shall be headed by our incumbent President of BMMOA. He will stand lead all of us against all odds & remain absolutely neutral at all times and will remain free from all politics.
10. For the greater interest of our entire Marine Community, we all fellow Mariners around the Globe will be there with this great team to support & participate all their collective efforts, effective guidance & motivation and we will not allow our “Maritime Forum” to fail.
11. Fellow Mariners from IMarEST & NIB to be treated equally & impartially. Representation of our respected fellow Mariners shall be equally from Nautical & Engineering side for all our unified Professional Organizations. We strongly believe that all our fellow Mariners in Nautical & Engineering will bond together to take all of us at a new height.
12. We invite all our fellow Mariners around the globe to join BMMOA, irrespective of our attachments with various other Organizations. BMMOA shall be our BD Mariners’ ROOT. Let’s take this golden opportunity to unite all our fellow Mariners and we all work as a Big Family. All our combined effort to keep all our BD Mariners united, that should be our top priority & our ultimate goal, our younger generation’s future.
Finally, every single fellow Mariner is very important & shoulder’s huge responsibility for our entire Marine Community’s pride. And standing in the cross-road, let’s build our golden bridge to connect all our respected seniors & beloved juniors. Let’s all try our level best to keep all our fellow Mariner around the globe together & united forever.
With Kind Regards
Baten (18th Batch),
Baten Bhai
I lost my last e-mail account few months ago. Please add my email address in your distribution.
23rd batch