IN MEMORY OF LATE AINUL HAQUE – Mubashir Ahmed Khan (2E)
I was shocked to hear about the sad passing away of Lloyds Engineer Surveyor Ainul Haque due to Covid-19 on 19.06.2020. Inna Lillahe wa inna elaihe rajeun. Late Ainul Haque served as Lloyds Surveyor in Chittagong for a long time. I remember he visited my ships M V Solidarity ( Banglar Kiran ) and Banglar Doot more than half dozen times for survey inspections during the period of 1981 to 1983. He was a thorough gentleman and I developed a sort of friendship with him. During my sea service, I have dealt with many surveyors but late Ainul Haque was different. Later on, he served as Lloyds Surveyor in Singapore and Hong Kong also. He was not only a nice and friendly person but truly professional also.
Late Ainul Haque will always remain in our memory. May his soul rest in eternity. Our sympathies are with the members of the bereaved family.
(Note: It is mentioned in the “BMA publication, Heritage to Horizon, Honouring the Pioneers, 16th December 2017”, that late Ainul Haque completed his Apprenticeship at Karachi Shipyard in 1962. He served as 5th Engineer on board Pakistan’s pilgrim Ship M V Shams. From UK, he obtained his Certificate of Competency as First Class Engineer, “ Motor and Steamed Combined.” He served on British ships as Chief Engineer. The rest i.e. his long service with Lloyds Register is history).
Mubashir Ahmed Khan (2E); London 19.11.2020 Email: mubashira2050@gmail.com
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