MarEngr A H M Mamun (15E) finally on way to Almighty
We are deeply saddened by the sudden demise of our beloved MarEngr A H M Mamun (15E).
Inna Lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji’un (We belong to Allah and to Him shall we return)
He had been suffering from Corona since last few weeks, recovered, but body could not sustain Corona related havoc (aftereffects), breathed his last on 4th February early-morning in Liberia.
He was engaged in education of LMTI Liberian Maritime Training Institute. Before that he served BSC, Hong Lam Marine (Singapore) and UK MCA.
The remaining of the eternal arrived Dhaka (from Liberia) on 15 Feb at 2 PM and rested at Mirpur Shaheed Budhdhijibi Graveyard.

The unexpected departure of a highly professional successful man to the Almighty.
- ex-Cadet of Mirzapur Cadet College
- ex-Cadet of Bangladesh Marine Academy
- Marine Engineer, CoC Class -1, UK
- MSc Graduate of World Maritime University, Sweden
- MBA Graduate of SMU, Singapore
- Member of IMarEST London, UK
- Ex-Chief Engineer, BSC Ocean-going Fleet
- Ex-General Manger, BSC
- Ex-ISM Manager, Hong Lam Marine, Singapore
- Ex-Marine Engineer Surveyor, MCA, UK
- Ex-Head of Modular Course Department LMTI, Liberia
- Elder son completed his post graduation from an university in Singapore, 2nd son is studying at a medical college in UK and youngest daughter is completing her O-level.
Courtesy: Sajid Hussain (15E), Bangladesh Marine Academy; Hanif Dewan (31E) LMTI, Liberia.
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