Our all-respected guardian mariner Capt. FR Chowdhury Sir at his final voyage Captain Fazlur Rahman..
Hadisur Rahman, Third Engineer on board “Banglar Samridhi” was an innocent victim of an unnecessary..
Diversity of business: Shipping is the most international business in the world. The ship may..
Gradual elimination of mariners from maritime sector Part I: The Pakistani forces in occupation of..
World Maritime Day: IMO celebrates the World Maritime Day in the last week of September..
The students of history know it very well as to how the kings and monarchs..
Banking and insurance play vital role in economic development of any country. International trade, commerce..
The Russia-Ukraine war has been gaining momentum and getting out of control. There are reports..
The world has been witnessing another senseless war between Russia and Ukraine. As I write..
যুদ্ধ পরবর্তী বাংলাদেশের চট্টগ্রাম বন্দর সচল করতে ক্যাপটেন ফজলুল রহমান চৌধুরীর অবদানের কথা শুনুন প্রবাসে..
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