Mohshin Khan Eusufzai (24E) has left us forever
With heavy heart, informing that Md. Mohsin Khan Eusufzai (24th) has left us forever today around at 1:30 pm at Uttara, Dhaka.
May Allah bless his departed soul. Inna lillahe wa inna ilaihe rajeun.
Doctors diagnosed the reason as heart failure.

‘Innaa Lillaahi wa inna ilayhi raaji’oon'(Truly! To Allaah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return).
May the Almighty Allah forgive Yusuf and all of us. May He place him in the Jannatul Ferdous and give his near & dear ones the strength to bear the great loss.
Fasi 19N-BD
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Dear All,
He was such a nice gentleman. I am deeply shocked.It is really difficut to express my feelings May Allah grant him Jannat.
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Very shocked to learn the sudden demise of our younger brother Mohsin Khan Yousoufzai (24E/BD).
Innalilaahe wa inna Ilaheer Rajeun.
May Allah, SWT, forgive his sins and bless him with Jannatul Ferdous. Aaameen. May Allah give sobr to his beavered family, relative and friends to bear the pain of this colossal loss.
Nurul Hoque (9N/USA)
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Dear Sirs,
Innalillahe wainnailaihe Raziun, Another very sad news today. I sailed with Mohsin Khan Yousufzai in MV. Banglar Kakoli. He is a very sober and intelligent person. May Allah give him Jannat.
Mahbubul Alam (21-N) UK.
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Innalillahi wainna ilihe razeun . May Allah grant him jannah. Two weeks back, I met him at a bazaar in Uttara. He was under medication & told me he is recovering n OK now. He looked very composed & talked religious. May Allah show mercy on us.
Syed MD Ali,/ M18E,
OLID (22/E Jeddah)
Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh
Inna lillahe wa inna illahe rajeun
May the ALMIGHTY ALLAH SUBHANAHU- WA-TA’ALA grant younger brother Mohsin Khan Yousufzai the highest abode in Heaven and May the Almighty Allah Subhanahu-Wa-Ta’ala reward him in full.
“Every soul shall have a taste of death: And only on the Day of Judgment shall you be paid your full recompense. Only he who is saved far from the Fire and admitted to the Garden will have attained the object (of Life): For the life of this world is but goods and chattels of deception.” Al-i-Imran Verse 185
We pray to ALMIGHTY ALLAH SUBHANAHU TAALA to give the his family passion and strength to bear this irrecoverable loss.
Best Regards
Shahabuddin 13/N (Aus)
We are deeply saddened at the news of the passing away of brother Mohsin Khan Yousoufzai.
Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilahi Wa rajeun. May Allah in His infinite Mercy let his departed soul to rest in heavenly peace and on the Day of Final Judgement Grant him a place in Jannah.
Our deepest sympathy for the members of his bereaved family. We pray for His blessings for their good health, welfare and sustainance.
Sheikh Shahabuddin 2 (E)
Inna Lillahe Wa Inna Ilaihe Rajeun.
May Allah forgive him and placed his departed soul in the Jannat.
Innalillahe wainnailaihe Raziun
Inna ilaihe wa inna ilaihe rajeun. May Allah SWT place him in Jannat.
Capt. Jashim/18N,BD
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The news of the sad expiry of Mr. Mohsin Khan Eusufzai is personally heart wrenching and deeply shocking to me.
I talked to him only 2 nights back requesting his CV which I forwarded to my NGO’s Board of Directors only yesterday morning for a possible employment in my organisation to assist me to look after our existing floating hospital ships and the new ships we are about to start building. And now this sad news. I cannot digest it. I am confused and perplexed at the turn of events. He was such a nice and good person. I will miss him dearly.
Some years back, perhaps in 2006-7, I selected him as a Surveyor for Germanischer Lloyd but he could not join as his wife was a practicing doctor in Dhaka and his place of posting was Chittagong.
It’s Allah’s will that he is no longer with us. I pray to Him that he forgives Mohsin of all his sins and gives him an abode in jannah.
My heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family.
Kind regards to all with a request to all of you who read this mail to pray for the departed soul.
C. F. Zaman (02 E, Dhaka)
Email :
Innalillahe wainna illihe rajiun. May Allah grant him Jannatul Ferdous.
Shameem (27)
I am deeply shocked at his sudden demise.I came across him on a number of occasions.A plain & simple gentleman.
Just day before yesterday when I was dropping my elder daughter at school,he called me out fm the rickshaw as he was passing by.
His smiling face is still so vivid in my mind,can hardly believe that he had passed away for the eternal journey.
May Allah grant him Jannat.Innah lillahi wa innahilahi raziun.
Shamer Ahmed Chowdhury (28E/bd)
Dear Zillur
WSWRWB. Shocking news are coming one after the other. Could not believe the news. His last FB status was that he was suffering from fever.
Innalillahe wainnailaihe Raziun.
Wish to die with Iman and Good Amal when our turn come. Indeed, we lost a good friend. May Allah forgive him and sanction him Zannah – Ameen and give his family patience and strength to bear the irrecoverable loss.
Best regards
Elias, 24E, BD
Assalamu Alaikum,
Inna lillahe wa inna ilaihe rajeun. It is a heart breaking news.
I didn’t know him personally but received a message from him yesterday enquiring about job opportunities in UK, which I replied last night. Can’t believe it now how all this could happen.
May Allah grant him Jannatul Ferdous and give his bereaved family enough strength to cope with this shock.
Best regards,
Sarwar 16 / UK
I am deeply saddened by the news of sudden demise of another very young mariner and my thoughts are with the bereaved family at this sad moment – I have no language to console them. May Allah place him in Jannat.
Khairul Anam
9 UK
Email :
Assalamu alaikum.
It is very difficult to believe, Mohshin Sir will not call me anymore.
Just day before yesterday also he called me and talked for a while regarding his planing , religion thinking etc.
I knew him from the very beginning of my cadet life , He was so caring towards his surroundings people and family.
May Allah grant him Jannat.
May Allah also accept our all good deeds.
Best regards
Arif ( 27 BD)
Please ignore spelling Error
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Innalillahe wa inna ilahe rajeun
Sarwar 19E
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