Mariner’s Forum – “Bangladesh Global Marine Community”
Salam to All Respected Seniors & Beloved Juniors around the Globe,
We developed our new “bdmariners” Google Groups for our “Bangladesh Global Marine Community”.
Not to be confused, our call to all professional mariners to join this common forum is not to form a new organization. Around the globe, we have many organizations & let all these run & remain as it is. It is a very simple internet forum aim is to remain connected globally by stitching the missing link of communication between all our professional mariners around the globe. All may agree with me that with our missing link, many of our mariner brothers were & still disconnected from each other. Many are not connected with what is happening around us & going un-noticed. No doubt that it will be always better for all of us to share our views among each other with whatever means available to us. Few of us only communicating with each other, which is far short of our primary goal.
This forum is not an organization. It will be independent, impartial from all our present association/society/organization/etc which we are now running & continue to run around the globe. This “Mariner’s Forum” is for all our Bangladeshi origin Professional Mariners around the Globe to remain connected & united forever.All our brothers will be treated & accommodated equally, no discrimination between Marine Academy & Non-Marine Academy.
We all will share & exchange our views, information, bulletin, shipping/marine journals which are common & intended for our entire marine community. We all will refrain from bullying, criticism, using indecent language, posting political or religious topic.
All our collective vision is to help our professional mariners & their family members during their needs. This forum will be controlled, regulated & managed from Singapore for the time being. With the view of others, we will add few code of conduct to follow for posting information & messages.
As an individual, brothers will not think what this forum will give us in return; rather we will always think what we can contribute for our entire marine community.
With this view, I’m very sure that all our brothers will feel great & proud to be part of this forum.
Now all our brothers will be able to post emails from around the globe using email ID: bdmariners@googlegroups.com, which will reach all Mariners around the Globe to share & exchange views which are common & intended for our entire Marine Community.
Appreciate if you also can request all your known Bangladeshi origin Professional Mariners to join us, remain connected & united forever.
How to Join:
- To join this forum, please write to baten18@gmail.com
- Also send cc to bdmariners@googlegroups.com
May I request you to disseminate among your known contacts/groups via email or using available website to join this forum.
With Kind Regards
Baten (18th Batch)
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