MarEngr. Md. Abul Bashar (25E) is no more
Informing with heavy heart that our beloved colleague MarEngr. Abul Bashar (25E) has breathed his last at about 9 AM on 26 April 2019 in a hospital at Chattogram. We pray for his departed soul. May Almighty Allah swt grant him Jannatul Ferdous.
A special munazat has been held at our Academy Mosque after Jumma Prayer. His namaj-e-janaja was held at Bashbaria High School field after the Asar prayer on that day.
Ref. his batchmates, he was working in scrap waste recyle plant and stay in same office. Severe gas form felt and from that place he was taken to
Chattogram Hospital and some other private hospital later. But didn’t recover. Could be cardiac arrest too.
He was serving at BSC vessels during his early sea life. He lived a very quiet life.

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