Capt. Nur Ahmed (2N/74 BMA) is on his final journey
Our respected & beloved Capt. Nur Ahmed Sir (N.A Survey & Inspection) has breathed his last on 14 March 2019 night.
His Namaj-e-Janaza has been held on 15 March after Jumma at Jamal Khan PDB Mosque, Chattogram and has been rested in Garibullah Shah Graveyard.
Profile of Capt. Nur Ahmed MNI (Ref: http://www.na-survey.com)
Capt. Nur Ahmed was born in the old part of the city of Dhaka, the present Capital of Bangladesh. After passing out in the Intermediate Science Exam from Dhaka Govt. College, Dhaka, he was selected for admission into two years’ pre-sea training course at Mercantile Marine Academy, Juldia, Chittagong in 1963. He got graduated from Mercantile Marine Academy, Juldia, Chittagong in 1965 and was placed in FIRST CLASS and stood THIRD in order of merit. He got qualified with a 2nd Mate (Foreign Going) Certificate of Competency from Karachi Nautical College in 1968. He got qualified with a 1st Mate (Foreign Going) Certificate of Competency from Karachi Nautical College in 1971. He obtained his MASTER (Foreign Going) Certificate of Competency from South Shields Marine & Technical College, Tyne & Wear, UK in 1975 and became member of the Nautical Institute, London.
Foreign Courses (Ref: http://www.na-survey.com)
- Attended TANKER SAFETY COURSE at Southampton Nautical College, Warsash, England, sponsored by Texaco Overseas Tankship Ltd, London in 1975.
- Participated in MARITIME ADMINISTRATORS COURSE ON PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS arranged by the Merchant Marine Academy, Malmo, Sweden and the National Swedish Administration of Shipping and Navigation, sponsored by IMCO-London in 1978.
- Participated in the IMCO/UNEP International? Workshop on the PREVENTION, ABATEMENT AND COMBATING OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS IN EAST ASIAN WATERS held in Manila, Philippines, Jointly arranged by the IMCO and the Philippines Coast Guard with the support of the United Nations Environment Program in 1980.
- Attended USDA SURVEYORS CONFERENCE at Radission Hotel, Overland Park, Kansas City, U.S.A. in 1998.
- Attended in London Arbitration at M.J. Kusel, 124 Aldersgate Street, Barbican, London EC1A 4JQ, on 5-6 October, 2010.
Capt. Nur Ahmed sir was all-respected and always bearing a smiling face. His appearance used to yield a happiness among all around. Particularly, he was inspiration to all his junior Mariners. Academy is always proud her alumni; may Allah bless such a gentle, lively and responsible senior Mariner.

Courtesy: Sajid Hussain (15E)
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